Preis: 37,89 €
【Artwork of Nature】Mixed color pebbles are the product of it may include a variety of different shades of browns, whites and black pebbles. Natural smooth mixed color gravels have oval, round, irregular, thick or thin shapes. The length of the rock is about 0.4 to 0.8 inches(1-2 cm). They were very clean with no dirt or powders clinging to them. Each cobblestone is a unique work of art in nature
【Distinctive Covering】The high polished colorful pebbles are natural and non-toxic river rock stones. The round and smooth mixed color pebbles cover succulent plants,potted cactus and outdoor garden beds, which can provide good drainage, help the soil retain moisture, and add beauty to your fairy garden. Stone does not deteriorate like other coverings and is a permanent and cost-effective alternative to annual wood covering
【Indoor Home Decoration】These beautiful pebble can well decorate your aquarium, keep the water body clean, and let fish or turtle get along with stones more harmoniously. Add pebble to your flower show, fix the position of the stems, and make your flower or luck bamboo and the vase more harmoniously connected. D I Y designing wall,glass container, sand box, fireplace,craft project and other home decor is a new experience. If you have a better idea, please share it with us under the review
【Outdoor Decoration Items】Since there are no sharp edges, pebbles are easy to step on under your feet. Inlay smooth and round pebbles on the courtyard road, and then walk barefoot on it to promote blood circulation. This is a good way to exercise. If there are areas on your terrace that cannot be covered by the floor, put pebbles in these spaces. This is a good design for terrace reconstruction. Great for decorating fountain, rock gardens, swimming pools and sidewalks
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