Fish Tank Magnetic Glass Cleaner, Fish Tank Cleaner Feeder,

Fish Tank Magnetic Glass Cleaner, Fish Tank Cleaner Feeder,

Fish Tank Magnetic Glass Cleaner, Fish Tank Cleaner Feeder,

Preis: 18,01 €

It is very easy to clean the glass inside and outside of the water tank. The wipe of the aquarium glass wipe is composed of a scratch-resistant . It will not scratch your fish tank glass. Both inside and outside are placed There are magnets, powerful magnets make it firmly attached to the fish tank, you don’t have to worry about it easily falling off during cleaning. Just absorb it on the glass to process 1/8″ -1/3″ (3mm-8mm) glass thickness.
The non-slip handle design and the large handle make your hand very comfortable to hold and use. It does not require too much force to move it when you wipe it, it can slide smoothly during the cleaning process, move the external parts, the internal parts will also move, you can clean the inside and outside of the aquarium at the same time, thus saving time and energy.The fish tank brush has a light and small volume, which can clean those corners well.
Don’t worry about the fish tank brush sinking to the bottom of the fish tank. It will automatically float on the water, so you don’t need to reach out to clean it, and you don’t need to worry about disturbing any aquatic animals or other plants. After cleaning, the fish tank brush will not absorb all the algae dirt on the wall, so the brush is kept clean and you can use it multiple times.
When you are cleaning, when you find that the on the brush will scratch the glass, please clean the fish tank brush in time, and then continue to clean your fish tank.
Suitable for small bedroom aquariums, small study water tanks, small bedroom aquariums and small children’s ornamental fish tanks. This product can not only clean fish tanks, but it can also clean glass shower doors and exterior .

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